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Which Pokémon Game Really Deserves A Remake Next?


With a colossal install base of over 150 million Switches, not to mention backwards compatibility on the next console, it makes sense that we’ll see a final remake in some form – whether a Let’s Go-style reimagining or the Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl-style approach ILCA delivered back in 2021. Yes, 2021!

But what gen would you like to see get the remake treatment?

Another trip to the Kanto well seems inconceivable, but a Let’s Go game encompassing Johto would be a natural progression for that approachable series. It’s probably not the variant that hardcore Pokéfans would pick but for the larger GO-loving audience out there, it may be more attractive, and the sales of BDSP and the Let’s Go pair are both in the 15-million range.

Next on the remake conveyor belt would be the long-rumoured Black and White do-overs. They’re next in line and obvious picks given the remakes to this point, but is Unova too obvious? With Z-A set in Kalos (which debuted in 3DS’ best-selling Pokémon games X and Y), we wonder if a little synergy might have caught TPC’s imagination.

Elsewhere, Sun & Moon got their Ultra-enhanced versions, but they’d be popular candidates for some fans. And with the Legends line offering visits to fan-favourite regions, too, it’s not just remakes that can take us back to regions past, so Black and White could get its dues in other ways.

And hey, there’d be a non-zero contingent that would like to see Scarlet and Violet ‘remade’ – or at least rejigged in an enhanced form. Pokémon: Let’s Go, Quaxly and Sandy Shocks, coming 2032…

Pokemon Let's Go... nah, you're alright
Look, we’d play it

Plenty of options, then. Let us know below which vintage Pokédventure you think most deserves a remake, and if you think TPC might have something crowd-pleasing up its sleeve for next week’s Pokémon Presents.

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