Updated hardware for now
If you are seeing this post you are on the NEW SemiAccurate hardware. What is new? About 200x the bandwidth (1Gbps for now), a silly amount of cores (128C Milans available, not all being used now because…why?), and a bit more RAM than sanity should allow (768GB DDR5) all in a nice Gigabyte 2U chassis. Story on the hardware and the rest when I am sure everything is stable.
For now if you are on this page, use the site as normal. Please report any errors to me via email or Bluesky (@cdemerjian) publicly or via DM. Hopefully by the time you read this, everything will have settled down enough that the planned upgrades to the site itself can move foreward.
One thing we can say for sure is that you WILL get security and cert errors. Not much we can do to fix this until the DNS finishes propagating, sorry. There are no security problems, it is just that some external services are not up to speed on the move yet, but they will catch up. Sorry about any problems, more tomorrow.